
Aug 5, 2013

Tabletop Soccer!

I originally got this idea from a Family Fun magazine that is by now a few years old.  Back then, I thought it was a super cool thing that would be simple to put together and a lot of fun to use.  So I filed the idea in the back of my brain under it's "Will Do Someday" heading.  Someday came yesterday, when we had a couple leftover pizza boxes after I caved and agreed to a pair of pizzas for dinner.  (Studly and the kids just love pizza.  I, on the other hand, am not a big fan.)

Other than the pizza box, you need a sheet of green poster board, glue, a pencil, ruler, and a white out pen or white paint and a thin brush.

First, you cut your green poster board to fit inside the pizza box and glue it down.  After giving the glue a few minutes to dry, press down on the folds of the box and slowly fold it a few times so that the paper gets a crease.  This way it will be easier to fold up the box after play.

After the glue has completely dried, take your ruler and find the middle of the box, then draw a line down the middle.  Then trace around the bottom of a cup or can at about the middle of that line.  Go over the lines with your white out pen or the white paint.  For the goals, I just basically eyeballed where the lines would be, keeping in mind that it was going to be a smaller rectangle inside a larger one.  You make the goal area on each side and go over the lines with your white out pen or paint.

After it's all dry, you have your table top soccer field!  It's really simple to make, and if your family is like mine, they will be eager to try it out when it's done.

 To play, you just need a pom pom and a couple straws.  The goal is to get the pom in the smaller rectangle on the other players side of the field.

Princess and Dirty D played for quite a bit yesterday, and I'm not sure if either of them ever scored.  There was too much laughing going on to figure out if points were made.  They did have a lot of fun though, and that was the GOOOOAAALL! (haha, sorry!)

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