
Jul 5, 2013

DIY Puffy Paint Fun

Hope everybody had a wonderful Independence Day!  We had a blast, full of friends, fireworks and good food.  Fireworks are so much fun, and often times are so full of color, that it puts me in a mood to make some colorful art.  I was poking around on Pinterest when I found this awesomely easy paint that is simple to throw together that puffs and dries in the microwave in a matter of seconds.  So I decided to try it out with the kids!

DIY Easy Puffy Paint

1 cup flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt


food coloring

First you mix the dry ingredients together and then add water and mix it until it's a smooth (not too wet) consistency. 
Then I separated the mixture into four little baggies and added food coloring before mixing them around again.

After just a few moments of prep time, I snipped a tiny bit of a corner off each bag before letting the kids have at their art fun!
I just spread a little on Curls paper for him to create with.
While Princess tried doing words,
And Dirty D did some abstract art.

Curls really enjoyed making his art!
When the kids were all done with their creations, I transferred one page at a time (this was a bit tricky!) to the microwave and "cooked" them for 35-45 seconds, depending on the wetness of the paper and how much puffy paint was on the paper.

After cooking the pictures, they came out like beautifully:

They turned out beautiful, and the kids really had a lot of fun making them.  The mixture gave Curls a new texture to explore while he pushed it around on his paper.  The older two enjoyed the 'puffing' part of the project.

The great thing about this was that it was so easy to throw together and any mess easily wipes up, so it's perfect for a quick art project and fun for all ages!

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